2006年的電影。到現在還不知道能不能再有像這種帶有一點憂鬱 讓人餘韻不絕的電影。
"A beautiful movie on relationships."

○A beautiful movie on relationships, 12 April 2007
Author: BanBan from Singapore

Most say Eternal Summer is a gay movie. But I would rather call it a movie about relationships.

Newbies Bryant Chang and Joseph Chang play two best friends who come a long way from primary school after they were paired off as motivational buddies by their form teacher. As the 'third party' Carrie (Kate Yeung) enters the scene, the relationship becomes more complicated. All three struggle with love and friendship – a line that can seem so clearly divided but is not.

With 4 nominations at the Golden Horses, this movie caused a stir in Taiwan, both in terms of theme and story. Fortunately, it did not sink into typical Taiwanese melodramatic mode. The director takes his time to unfold, filled with awkward yet genuine moments. Note the parallels that he draws, and the subtle contrast between scenes reveal more than what is said.

Many times, the audience may feel frustrated with the slow pacing, and wished that the characters would just acknowledge what they feel. Perhaps this is a reflection of individuals being unaccepted and different in society, whether you are a gay, migrant or loner. You may just identity with the 3 characters' suppression and lack of ability to communicate.

With Lan Yu winning the Golden Horse, and Brokeback Mountain the Golden Globes paving the way, homosexual themed movies have started arriving to the shores of Singapore (with some censorship). Just a few years before, it would almost seem impossible that movies like Eternal Summer would be screen here. Liberation of the authorities or sophistication of the audience? To emphasize, this is not just another 'gay' movie, and may disappoint those going for the wrong reasons. With the tagline "No One Wishes To Be Lonely, Neither Do We", it can be viewed as a beautifully shot movie on the pains of growing up, friendship and love.

○A Love Triangle As Fragile and Lovely As Any Ever Filmed, 8 December 2007
Author: gradyharp from United States

ETERNAL SUMMER (Sheng xia guang nian) is a delicate, quiet, understated and eloquent study of youthful interpersonal relationships form Taiwanese director Leste Chen from a screenplay by Cheng-Ping Hsu based on the novel by the same name by Chi-yao Wang. The style of the film allows a wide audience to appreciate the sexual challenges of teenagers and understand the need for finding love and acceptance in a world at times too busy to care.

The story begins in grade school where Jonathan Kang (Bryant Chang) is a gifted student asked to 'supervise' another young boy in his class, Shane Yu (the dazzlingly gifted young actor Joseph Chang) who has an apparent learning disorder/attention deficit. Shane is rambunctious and athletically gifted while Jonathan is the quiet, reserved, brilliant student. The boys bond as children and grow up together into young men facing the exams for university entrance. A young girl Carrie (Kate Yeung) meets the two boys: first she challenges the studious Jonathan to take a trip to Taipei (ditching school) where she hopes to have a physical encounter. The hotel room is a disaster and Jonathan feels isolated from both Carrie's desires and from deserting his duties at school - and with Shane, who Jonathan loves far more than merely a best friend. Shane gradually moves into Jonathan's position as Carrie's physical companion and the resulting triangle results in confessions and incidents that allow each of the three involved young people to grow and understand the spectrum of love.

The story is captured with exceptionally beautiful cinematic effects by cinematographer Charlie Lam and the atmosphere of play and passion is enhanced by the musical score by Jeffrey Cheng. Yet it is the sensitive direction by Leste Chen that encourages the three superb young actors to become immersed in their roles. Chen knows when to say enough (the sex scenes are sensual and suggestive without even approaching an R rating) and when to allow scenes of quiet and eye contact to carry the drama. This is a very fine film that deserves a wide audience, both young and old. Highly recommended. In Mandarin with English subtitles.


主唱:阿信 吉他手:大麻 貝斯手:奇哥 鼓手:羅伯

我驕傲的破壞 我痛恨的平凡 才想起那些是我最愛
讓盛夏去貪玩 把殘酷的未來 狂放到光年外 而現在

放棄規則 放縱去愛 放肆自己 放空未來
我不轉彎 我不轉彎 我不轉彎 我不轉彎

讓定律更簡單 讓秩序更混亂 這樣的青春我才喜歡
讓盛夏去貪玩 把殘酷的未來 狂放到光年外 而現在

放棄規則 放縱去愛 放肆自己 放空未來
我不轉彎 我不轉彎 我不轉彎 我不轉彎

我要 我瘋 我要 我愛 就是 我要 我瘋 我要 我愛 現在
一萬首的mp3 一萬次瘋狂的愛 滅不了一個渺小的孤單

我要 我瘋 我要 我愛 就是 我要 我瘋 我要 我愛 現在
盛夏的一場狂歡 來到了光年之外 長大難道是人必經的潰爛

放棄規則 放縱去愛 放肆自己 放空未來
我不轉彎 我不轉彎 我不轉彎 我不轉彎

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